Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I remember when I first got a myspace, after my highschool graduation, Mayaeni was the first artist I discovered through it. Something about her seemed so fresh, and I was really feelin her music. Its described as acoustic/electric soul, with a touch of blues and rock, and she's this dope hippie chick. Well I lost track of her, and am so happy that I stumbled upon her again. Only problem is it seems like, she doesn't update her myspace like she did before, and all of the songs I liked are not up anymore =[....

I was able to find her bio over at cdbaby.com (they also have previews of all those songs, I once loved).

Mayaeni is the daughter of an American rock guitarist/songwriter and West African mother from Sierra Leone. The constant sound of her father’s guitar awakened a desire in Mayaeni to express herself in music. Her mother, a community organizer for Africans in Detroit, exposed her to rich experiences in the US and abroad. During her adolescent years, Mayaeni spent summers in England with her cousins and traveled to Sierra Leone. Mayaeni discovered a unique view of the world through her diversity and varied experiences. Within a month after graduating high school she relocated to New York City. From the first weekend she arrived, she boarded the subway with her fake ID so that she could sing at open mics at the Village Underground, Cafe Wha, Soul Cafe and Sugar Bar. Her soothing and sultry voice, striking beauty and positive spirit quickly created opportunities to work with some of NYC’s top producers and songwriters. However, as always, there were two sides to the story. As Mayaeni explains, “My networking and meeting 'important' people came faster than my development as an artist. I was so absorbed with the fact that I was working with top grammy winning writers and producers that I didn't pay attention to myself as an artist.”Mayaeni ultimately wrote and self produced her self titled CD in 2006. In March of 2007 her CD was released in Japan. To coincide with the release of the album, she did a two week tour of Tokyo and also signed an endorsement contract with GladNews clothing. When she returned, she continued to perform in NYC. During a performance at the Baggot Inn, she was joined on stage by Wyclef Jean, who added a new dimension to her song “Everyday.”In May of 2007, she caught the ear of multi-platinum producer/songwriter Toby Gad, who invited her to his studio. They felt an immediate chemistry and Toby co-wrote and produced four songs with her. Toby introduced Mayaeni to his brother, Jens Gad, who also is an internationally successful songwriter/producer. Within a short two week period, they wrote eight songs. Her EPK is available on you tube, as well as her myspace page, www.myspace.com/mayaenimusicMayaeni's own words sum up her mission - “I’m just interested in making good music, feel good music, the kind of music that's relatable and real to the point where it becomes therapy. I want people to listen to my music and not only relate, but let it encourage them. I may have come to NYC with a fake ID, but my experiences have led me to realize my identity. I couldn't say that when I began my journey.”

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