Thursday, February 5, 2009

This is embarrassing...

Ok. I definitely cried while watching Smallville today. I remember watching this show all the time when I was in highschool, and now unemployment is ermm...lets say allowing me more leisure time. Yeahhh, thats sounds better good. I've been able to start this blog, watch tv including almost every episode of The Haunting on Discovery channel, download more music; you know during the time work used to occupy.

But back to Smallville, so i guess since i've been gone Lex Luthor turned evil, Lana was gone and came back, and more weird stuff. This episode Lex was like all half human, and he put a bomb of kryptonite on top of a building. So we all know supermans weakness blah blah blah, so he couldn't go near it to stop it. & Then Lex voice comes through & is like the only way to stop is if Lana drains it of its power (apparently she has powers now If she drained it, the kryptonite would become apart of her, & her & clark would never be able to be near each other again. So it was one of those love vs. the lives of the people in the city dilemmas. So of course being the good people they are they choose to save the people, she does it, and when he gets near her he starts to basically die. It was soo sad, because he struggled to come up to her & kissed her one last time before he collapsed from the pain.It was way sadder on screen, i promise! Especially watching it back in the day & knowing how much he loved her, I was weepy. So so sad.

I know, lame. I am surprised of myself.

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