Saturday, February 7, 2009

The weekend is over and... was nice because I got to see some friends that I haven't seen in a while.Friday night me & two of my girls went to some kickback at some my friend's, which I must say had some sick ass graffitti all over the brick fence surrounding the backyard. I'd say about like 80% of the people there, were people I went to highschool with. So it was ok, nothing exciting, but fun...until the cops came inside the house without knocking & began searching without probable cause or a warrant. When they came in with the flashlight I had the sudden urge to run & throw my bottle of drannkkkk lol, but THEN i remembered I'm 21 and I didn't drive, so everything I was doing was legal!

So Saturday afternoon, I was helping my bro with some financial aid stuff because my mom wanted me to. So she tells me go set up her coffee, and im like "ok, hold on while I finish". So she starts trippin, & going off at the mouth, like usual. Anyone out there with a habesha parent knows what I'm talking about (for those who dont know habesha=eritrean/ethiopian). After a while, I get fed up & just go start setting it up, but apparently I wasnt moving fast enough so she told me I was "moving slow like a crocodile dundee"...keep in mind she was extremely mad & said it in an accent. Woooow I was sooo weak, I told my dad and my bro & we were all on the floor laughing with tears in our eyes (which was actually getting her angrier) but I couldnt help it.

Fast forward to last night, where I went to an 18+ club (ugghhh) to celebrate a friend & her twin bros bday. It was packed but I wasn't feelin the scene at all, I'm so over that 18+ stuff. Last night also helped me remember, that although people can be fake & true friends are hard to find, they ARE out there. Shout out to Shelly for helping me out yesterday.

So that was the weekend...nothing super exciting, but enjoyable.

P.S. Here's the vid to Jazmine Sullivan's latest single "Lions and Tigers and Bears" (I know I'm a little late). I'm not too crazy about the video itself, but LOVE the song.


Sammy said...

hahahaha....that's funny. im cracking up as I type this cus my dad one time said to my brother..."oh man, you are funny in the head"

translation:"oh man, that was hilarious"

Reggie said...

lol they are too funny